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Headshot of Dr. Priscilla Layne

Priscilla Layne


Professor of German; Adjunct Associate Professor of African and Afro-American Studies | UNC-Chapel Hill
PhD in German Studies | UC-Berkeley

3211 FedEx Global Education Center
(919) 962-4634
Office Hours
Dey Hall 424
M 9:00 – 10:00 am, W 9:00 –10:00 am, and by appointment

Fed Ex Global Education, Room 3211
W 4:00 – 5:00, F 3:00 – 4:00 pm, and by appointment

Priscilla’s first book, White Rebels in Black: German Appropriation of Black Popular Culture, is forthcoming April 2018 with the University of Michigan Press. In this book, she examines how, following WWII, German artists often associated white, rebellious male characters with black popular culture, because black culture functioned as a metaphor for rebellion. Priscilla is currently working on her second book, Out of this World: Afro-German Afrofuturism, which focuses on Afro-German authors’ use of Afrofuturist concepts in literature and theater. In addition to this project, some of the broader themes she is interested in are German national identity, conceptions of race and self/other in Germany, cross-racial empathy, postcolonialism, and rebellion.

Dr. Layne was recently interviewed on about her new book White Rebels in Black: German Appropriation of Black Popular Culture.

After serving as Vice President from 2020-2021, Dr. Layne is now President of the American Association of Teachers of German through 2023.

A picture of Kathleen Shanahan Lindner smiling at the camera

Kathleen Shanahan Lindner

Executive Director

MA in TransAtlantic Studies | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
BA in International Studies, German | UNC-Chapel Hill

3210 FedEx Global Education Center
(919) 962-6765
(919) 962 0398 (f)

Katie Shanahan Lindner received her BA in International Studies from UNC-Chapel Hill and an MA in Trans-Atlantic Studies (TAM Program) from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Before beginning TAM, she worked at the International Visitors Council in RTP, which is where she discovered her love of organizing programs and international education. Upon receiving her MA, she from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin where she managed programs including TAM, Euromasters, German-Turkish Masters as well as the international doctoral program at the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences. She focused on such aspects as program development, student and career services, international recruitment, and collaboration with international partners. Katie Lindner returned to UNC and joined CES in 2015, after living in Berlin for sixteen years.
Headshot of Sarah Hutchison smiling at the camera


Sarah Hutchison

Associate Director, TransAtlantic Masters Program

PhD in Comparative Literature | UNC-Chapel Hill
BA in Comparative Literature | Columbia College, Columbia University

3208 FedEx Global Education Center
(919) 962-4507

Inspiration: The creativity, drive, and the accomplishments of the TAM students and grads. I know it sounds cheesy-fake, but it’s true.

In free time: I love to hike with my husband, daughter, and our dogs.

Committed to: the inter-institutional partnerships and experiential learning involved in TAM. The opportunities TAM provides to young people are life-changing, and it is fascinating to be involved in such an innovative international educational project. I love working with the TAM applicants, students and alumni!

Brett Harris Headshot

Brett Harris

International Education Program Coordinator

MA in Political Science | UNC-Chapel Hill
BA in Comparative Literature; Contemporary European Studies | UNC-Chapel Hill
3209 FedEx Global Education Center
(919) 843-9852

Harris supports all CES grant activities, with particular attention to communications, publicity, event organization, and evaluation. Prior to his current position with the Center, Harris supported grant communications strategies for multiple grant initiatives, including the 2018-2023 Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, multiple Campus Weeks grants from the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, and a Getting to Know Europe Grant from the EU Delegation in Washington D.C. Harris has experience in communications strategy and implementation and evaluation through work with Berlin-based SEEK Global Development and Strategic Consultants.

Harris has MAs from UNC Chapel Hill and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in Political Science, and a BA with highest honors in Contemporary European Studies and Comparative Literature. During his graduate studies, Harris received a DAAD Masters Research award and an Erasmus+ Mobility Grant, in addition to Academic Year and Summer Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships from the US Department of Education.


Business Manager

3207 FedEx Global Education Center
(919) 962-2152


Kayla Bassett Andrade

Student Services Manager

BA in Education | UNC-Chapel Hill

3213 FedEx Global Education Center
(919) 843-4285

Global experience:

I studied abroad in the Spring of 2019 at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. My favorite class while studying there was Sociology of Education. I loved the weekly small group discussion where I listened and learned about the varying education experiences from students all across Europe. During my time abroad, I was fortunate enough to travel to 15 countries, but my favorite trip was in Scotland hiking Isle of Skye.

Prior work: I joined CES after graduating from UNC-Chapel Hill in May of 2021 with a BA in Education majoring in Human Development & Family Studies. While at UNC, I worked at Morehead Planetarium & Science Center teaching STEM-based curriculum to local elementary and middle school students.

Favorite European food: Borscht – an Ukrainian beet soup with beans, potatoes, tomatoes, and carrots. It is also popular in Russian and Polish cuisine.