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Current Students

Name Department Research Interests/Field
Kaitlin Alper Political Science Comparative politics
Dave Attewell Political Science Comparative politics
Jossette Bailey Romance Studies Ecocriticism, disability, health, and the relationship between the body and the environment
Lauren Bauman Political Science Comparative politics
Jordan Bessette Romance Studies Representations of gender, sexuality and the city as depicted in the novel
Quentin Bouvier Romance Studies Contemporary literature(s), ecology, and environmental theories
Francesco Bratos Romance Studies Modern and contemporary literature and culture with emphasis on crime fiction, popular culture, critical theory, and environmental humanities
Rachael Bundy Romance Studies 20th and 21st century French and Francophone literature, themes of Judaism and memory in contemporary French literature
Tessa Bullington Romance Studies Italian studies, literary criticism, cultural studies, gender, genealogy, patronage, illness
Elena Casey Romance Studies Representations of melancholy, madness, and mental illness in Early Modern Spanish Literature
Michele Cammelli Romance Studies The interplay between philosophy and biological thought; Machiavelli’s political thought; bio-politics
Kyle Chan Political Science Comparative politics
Cristóbal Clemente Romance Studies Childhood in Spain in the 20th century, dealing both with representations of infancy and with texts aimed at children; theater, film and popular culture
Wendy Combs Romance Studies Time and contemporaneity, horror, the fantastic, popular culture, and the serialization of romans-feuilletons in nineteenth-century Parisian newspapers
Alison Curry History Polish-Jewish history, the Holocaust, memorialization, material culture, and the impact of collective trauma
Oskar Czendze History Modern Jewish history, East-Central Europe, memory and cultural studies
Martin Dawson Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies Temporal experience in late nineteenth and early twentieth century German literature, nineteenth and twentieth century music, aesthetics, opera, and silence in literature
Sandra García Gutiérrez Romance Studies The Gothic novel of the first third of the nineteenth century in Spain; the twentieth and twenty-first century narrative of the “Insólito”, both in Spain and Latin America
Giuseppina Gemboni Romance Studies 20th-century Italian literature, Cultural and Postcolonial Studies, Migrant Literature, Second Language Acquisition Theories
Santiago G. Gesteira Romance Studies Environmental humanities in the Iberian Peninsula with emphasis in ecological conflicts around forestry. Galician studies.
Emma Goehler Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies The intersubjective dimensions of fiction and the ways that fiction and metaphor allow for and interrogate the possibilities of crossing and restructuring social borders
Jacob Gunderson Political Science Comparative politics
Brianna Guthrie Art History 16th and 17th century British portraiture, with a focus on portrayals of the family
Erin Grady Art History Heresy and hybridity represented visually in thirteenth century manuscripts
Alma Huselja History 20th-century Southeast European history, cultural history, memory, and urban studies
Maddie James History Modern German and European history, women and gender history, the history of the Holocaust, and the history of police and law enforcement
Edana Kleinhans Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies Aspects of gender in Das Schiff des Heils as part of the theological and classical reception of Sebastian Brant’s Das Narrenschiff
Andreas Jozwiak Political Science Comparative politics
Till Knobloch History Germany
Eroll Kuhn Political Science Comparative politics
Katie Laird History Twentieth century Middle East and European history, legal history, gender history, and cultural history
Caroline Lancaster Political Science Comparative politics
Max Lazar History The intersection of Modern European, German, Jewish, and social history, with a particular emphasis on the twentieth century
Undraa Lhamsuren Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies 20th century German postwar literature and culture, contemporary literature, children’s and young adult literature
Itay Machtei Political Science Comparative politics
Gina Mangravite Romance Studies 19th century to present day Italian Literature and Cinema, Disability Studies, Feminist Theory, Neapolitan Women Writers, Migrant Writers
Colleen McAlister Romance Studies 19th Century Peninsular Spanish literature. Romanticism. The Gothic in Spanish literature. Fantastic literature. Ruin Theory. Representations of ruins in the visual arts. Beginnings of Archaeology as a discipline. Archaeological and Architectural descriptions of classical ruins in 19th century Spanish literature.
Sarah Miles History Twentieth century global francophone history, particularly the interactions between France and its former colonies including Quebec, Algeria, the French Caribbean, and French West Africa
Emma Monroy Romance Studies Visual culture, text and image studies, digital humanities, and the politics of francophonie
Brantly Moore Art History The intersection of art, science and trade, the evolution of cultural identities through the establishment of collections and painting styles, and wonder as a stimulus of and justification for the production of art in Northern European courts from the 15th-17th centuries
Morgan Morales History Abortion during the Holocaust and larger issues of gender during the Holocaust
Martin Naunov Political Science Comparative politics
Kenneth Negy History 20th-century Spanish-German relations
Caroline Nilsen History The history and contested legacy in Norway of Der Lebensborn e.V., an SS eugenics program founded in 1935 that aimed to raise the number of “Aryan” children by supporting “racially pure and healthy” mothers and raising their offspring (born both within and without wedlock) in the spirit of Nazi ideology
Sean Norton Political Science Comparative politics
Rachel Ozerkevich Art History Athleticism, militarism, and different forms of French nationalism at the end of the Belle Epoque period
Shreya Parikh Sociology Racism in the Mediterranean region, especially in Tunisia and France
Elena Peña-Argüeso Romance Studies The study of cross-national perceptions and images as expressed in literary discourse during the 16th- and 17th-century Spanish literature. Nation building, the construction of cultural identities, and European expansions and exchanges between Catholic Spain and the Protestant world.
Zora Piskacova History Modern East Central European and Jewish History; nationalism, border and urban studies
Kailey Rocker Anthropology Albania, collective memory, communist sites of memory
Stephanie Shady Political Science Comparative politics and methods
Quinn Shepherd History European history
Che Sokol English and Comparative Literature Gender, sensuality, and sexuality in the cinemas of the Maghreb and the Maghrebi-French diaspora through feminist, queer, and post-colonial lenses
Carolin Südkamp Communication Organizational communication, how museum professionals/workers conceptualize their work as meaningful, how people make sense of their work under precarious conditions
Pasuth Thothaveesansuk History Viewing the political, cultural, and social history of the Cold War in a global perspective
Weixin Zhou Art History 20th-century European art, and art and labor

Recent Graduates

Name Department Research Interests Current Institution
Katherine Calvin Art History Art and cross-cultural exchange between Europe, the Middle East and Africa from the Renaissance to the eighteenth century Kenyon College
Massimiliano Cirulli Romance Studies 20th century Italian literature and cinema, Italian folklore, the Italian Post-war period, with special regard to the economic boom and the industrialization process in Italy between the 1950s and the 1970s, and second language acquisition University of Kansas
Kirsten Cooper History Ideas of national character and national stereotypes in the early modern period and today as well as how those ideas are mobilized in nationalist movements via propaganda and misinformation during times of war and crisis. Past projects include the early use of national ideas in seventeenth-century French & German political propaganda. Current projects include examining the history and current state of white nationalism and the US Military. Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, US Military Academy, West Point
Kate Good Romance Studies Gender dynamics, construction of national literary culture(s) in early twentieth century Catalonia and beyond Reed College
Rhi Johnson Romance Studies Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries largely in Spain and Galicia; interdisciplinary discourses on medicine, sex work, gender representation, and cultural significance Indiana University Bloomington
Jelle Koedam Political Science Political parties, democratic representation, and populism University of Zurich
Gabriele Magni Political Science Political economy, with an interest in immigration, economic inequality, and redistribution Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles
Devran Koray Ocal Geography Human geography, Transnational Muslims, Turkey UNC-Chapel Hill
Allison Somogyi History The Jewish resistance and the Holocaust in Hungary UNC-Chapel Hill
Larissa Stiglich History Modern Germany, especially everyday life and post-socialist transition in former East Germany Young Harris College
Daniela Weiner History Representations of the Second World War and the Holocaust in textbooks in the post-fascist countries of East Germany, West Germany, and Italy Stanford University