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The Eurofellows Educator Fellowship is a competitive professional development award offered to K-14 educators in NC. Each year, Eurofellows receive funding and professional development opportunities on the theme “Europe’s Changing Climate” across 5 daylong workshops from August 2024 – May 2025 led on the UNC-Chapel Hill Campus. In addition, Eurofellows receive individualized support from CES staff to develop their curricula, culminating in presentations at a spring Eurofellows Symposium for NC educators and a presentation on the curriculum to the relevant coordinator in their home district.

Apply Today!


About the Award

With support from the US Department of Education, Eurofellows receive an $900 stipend for their participation in the program.
Fellows will also receive funding to support travel and participation in the workshops as follows:

  • mileage reimbursement of 65.5 cents per mile up to $200
  • Lodging, booked directly by CES
  • Meals during the workshops will be provided

Awardees commit to attending both Fall and Spring in-person workshops in Chapel Hill, and will receive a certificate for 3 CEUs upon successful completion of the program. In addition, awardees commit to completing 2 presentations, 1 reflection blogposts, and 1 lesson plan/unit/curriculum throughout the course of the award.


Check back soon for updated agenda!
Application Deadline
June 15, 2024

Decision Notifications
June 25, 2024

Orientation | Online
August TBD, 2024

Fall Workshop | UNC Campus, Chapel Hill
Friday, November 8, 2024
Saturday, November 9, 2024

Spring Workshop | UNC Campus, Chapel Hill
Friday, March 28, 2025
Saturday, March 29, 2025


The award competition is open to North Carolina K-12 educators in all disciplines. Applicants will be evaluated on their proposed redesign, centering on the theme “Europe’s Changing Climate,” which refers to social, political, and environmental changes in European societies. Priority will be given to educators serving Title 1 and non-metropolitan districts.


To apply, submit a complete application form via the linked qualtrics survey. Applications components include:

  1. Contact information
  2. School District information
  3. Recent resume or CV and
  4. Personal Statement (max 500 words).

The personal statement must address the following: Please explain how the Eurofellows Educator Fellowship would benefit your professional work. This should highlight the impact on your teaching, students, research, or professional development. In particular, we invite you to explain how your participation would further these two major goals of the Program:

  • Integrating more content about Europe and the European Union into the classroom, with specific reference to the unit(s) and lessons you want to change, and
  • Increasing access to European content and experience to traditionally underserved groups of students (i.e. such as socioeconomic status, race, gender identity and sexual orientation, and/or disability).”


Please direct all questions regarding program eligibility, application, and selection to Brett Harris at Applicants can expect to receive a decision on their application via email by June 25, 2024.

Eurofellows is funded through a Title VI grant from the US Department of Education