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Poetry Reading with Fernando Valverde

Pleasants Assembly Room, Wilson Library 208 Raleigh Street CB #3916, 200 South Road, NC, United States

Fernando Valverde (Granada) has been voted the most relevant Spanish-language poet born after 1970 by nearly two hundred critics and scholars. His work engages with both contemporary and traditional Spanish culture, particularly Flamenco, while also grappling with universal existential questions. … Read more

The Politics of International Redistribution: Explaining Public Support for Fiscal Transfers in the EU | TAM Friday Lecture Series

Pleasants Assembly Room, Wilson Library 208 Raleigh Street CB #3916, 200 South Road, NC, United States

Dr. Hanna Kleider will speak about her recent research on individual preferences for domestic redistribution in European countries and how they relate to individual preferences for EU fiscal transfers. This talk touches on inequality within EU countries as well as … Read more

Germany in Global Politics: From the Cold War to 30 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Pleasants Assembly Room, Wilson Library 208 Raleigh Street CB #3916, 200 South Road, NC, United States

This event will feature the following speakers and topics: Joshua Rubenstein (Harvard University): "Stalin and the German Question: from Failure to Tragedy" Hope M. Harrison (George Washington University): "After the Berlin Wall: Memory and the Making of the New Germany, … Read more

Northern Ireland and Brexit: The Troubles, the Border & the Future

Pleasants Assembly Room, Wilson Library 208 Raleigh Street CB #3916, 200 South Road, NC, United States

Lecture & discussion with Norman Houston, OBE (Director, Northern Ireland Bureau, Washington, DC; senior official from Belfast, UK) Introduced & moderated by Prof. Klaus Larres.   Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 5.30pm Location: Pleasants Family Room, Wilson Library (main campus, … Read more

Germany in Crisis & the Future of Angela Merkel: what is happening in Berlin and what are the implications for Germany, Europe & German-American relations?

Pleasants Assembly Room, Wilson Library 208 Raleigh Street CB #3916, 200 South Road, NC, United States

Tuesday, February 27, 2018 - 5.30pm (location: Pleasants Family Room, Wilson Library) "Germany in Crisis & the Future of Angela Merkel: what is happening in Berlin and what are the implications for Germany, Europe & German-American relations?" Lecture by Dr. … Read more

U.S. National Security in Uncertain Times

Pleasants Assembly Room, Wilson Library 208 Raleigh Street CB #3916, 200 South Road, NC, United States

General Martin Dempsey (former Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2011-2015) in conversation with Prof. Richard Kohn & Prof. Klaus Larres (both UNC-Chapel Hill) Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 5.30pm Location: Pleasant Family Room, Wilson Library (main campus, … Read more

Keynote: International Conference | Transnational Terrorism Today: How do the Transatlantic Allies Deal With Terrorism?

Pleasants Assembly Room, Wilson Library 208 Raleigh Street CB #3916, 200 South Road, NC, United States

This keynote lecture from Professor Bruce Hoffman (Georgetown University) will commence the 2-day international conference "Transnational Terrorism Today: How do the Transatlantic Allies Deal With Terrorism?" The current threat environment posed by the emergence and spread of ISIS and the … Read more

“Democratic backsliding” within and beyond the EU: Did the normative power of Europe fail?

Pleasants Assembly Room, Wilson Library 208 Raleigh Street CB #3916, 200 South Road, NC, United States

Silvia von Steinsdorff holds the Chair of Comparative Political Science and the Political Systems of Eastern Europe at Humboldt University since 2009. Since 2009 she is also Academic Director of the International Masters Programs and since 2015 Director of the … Read more

Europe and the Refugee Crisis

Pleasants Assembly Room, Wilson Library 208 Raleigh Street CB #3916, 200 South Road, NC, United States