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Welcome to CES’ Workshops Archive! Here you’ll find a comprehensive listing of our previous educators’ conferences und workshops, complete with accompanying resources.

Europe in Crisis? Dispelling Myths About the European Union (2013)

The European Union Center of Excellence at UNC-Chapel Hill collaborated with World View to organize and sponsor the 2013 World View Spring Regional Seminar for K-14 educators focusing on the theme Europe in Crisis? Dispelling Myths about the EU. The seminar consisted of plenary lectures and concurrent sessions on the politics, history, and the economies of Europe led by UNC faculty and experts from the triangle area. The seminar attracted more than 120 teachers from all over the state, over twenty of whom participated in a summer study program to the Balkans. Following is the seminar schedule, links to the presentations, and handouts from the study handouts from the March 2013 seminar.

 More on the seminar agenda and presenters

The Center for Contemporary European Studies booth at World View 2013.

Plenary Sessions

  • What Is the European Union and Why Is It Important? (UNC Professor of Political Science, G. Marks): PDF
  • Ethnic Conflict and Minority Rights in Eastern Europe (CSEES Director, R. Jenkins): PDF
  • The European Union and the Euro Crisis (UNC Professor of Political Science, L. Mosley): PPT
  • Immigration and Radical Right Wing Parties in Europe (CES Executive Director, E. Edwards): PDF
  • The European Union as a Global Actor (UNC Professor of Political Science, L. Hooghe): PPT

Concurrent Sessions

  • Understanding the Environmental Movement on Europe: The Case of Germany (NCSU, School of Public Policy and International Affairs, L. Kochtcheeva)
  • Feeling European Today: The Aims and Challenges of Creating a European Identity amongst EU Citizens (CES International Education Coordinator, A. Brigevich): PDF
  • Shredding Europe’s Safety Net: The Welfare State and the Politics of Austerity CES Executive Director, E. Edwards): PDF
  • The History and the Politics of the Balkans (UNC Graduate Student in Political Science, B. Ceka)
  • An Overview of Education in Bosnia, Croatia, and Slovenia: Challenges and Opportunities (CSEEES Associate Director, J. Olich)
  • Transatlantic Relations in Crisis? (Visiting DAAD Professor at UNC-Chapel Hill, H. Moroff). Teaching the EU with LEARN NC (LEARN NC, K. Hirsh and R. Higgins: PDF
  • Encouraging Global Citizenship & Critical Thinking in the 6-12 Classroom (NC Civic Education Consortium, P. Bonnici): PDF
  • A Hands on Guide to the European Union: Lesson Plans, Classroom Activities, and Media Resources for Teachers (CES International Education Coordinator, A. Brigevich): PDF
  • Teaching the Veil (UNC Graduate Student of Romance Languages and Literature, A. Ritter): ReOrienting the Veil Lesson Plans
  • Globalizing Your Classroom and School (Smith Middle School, Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools; R. McMahon and E. White)
  • Using Film to Teach about Europe (UNC Graduate Student in English and Comparative Literature, E. Harris

North Carolina Council for the Social Studies Conference: A Teacher’s Hands-On Guide to the European Union (2014)

CES International Education Program Coordinator, Alexandra Holmgren, presents teaching resources on contemporary Europe and the European Union at the NCCSS Conference in Greensboro, NC (February 2014)

  • A Teacher’s Hands-on Guide to the European Union: PDF
  • Teaching Contemporary Europe with Digital Resources: PDF

North Carolina Council for the Social Studies Conference: A Teacher’s Hands-On Guide to the European Union (2013)

CES International Education Coordinator, Anna Brigevich, presents teaching resources on contemporary Europe and the European Union at the NCCSS Conference in Greensboro, NC (February 2013).

  • A Teacher’s Hands-on Guide to the European Union: PDF

National Council for the Social Studies Conference: A Teacher’s Hands-On Guide to the European Union (2012)

CES International Education Coordinator, Anna Brigevich, presents teaching resources on contemporary Europe and the European Union at the NCSS Conference in Seattle, WA (November 2012).

  • A Teacher’s Hands-on Guide to the European Union: PDF

The New NC Essential Standards: Incorporating the European Union (2012)

The European Union Center of Excellence at UNC-Chapel Hill hosted a workshop for K-12 educators on the European Union and the new educational standards in North Carolina. Contained below are links to the presentations and resources from the June 2012 workshop.

More on the workshop agenda and presenters

  • Introduction to the EU (CES Executive Director, E. Edwards): PDF
  • EU Classroom Resources (CES Director of Outreach Programs, G. Beeri): PPT
  • The EU & the NC Essential Standards (NC Dept. of Instruction, Jennifer Ricks): PPT
  • EU Connections: A Kinesthetic Activity: PDF (Instructions) | PDF (Countries)
  • EU Graphic Organizers for Classroom Use
    • PERSIA – Formation of the EU: PDF
    • Blank PERSIA: PDF
    • EU Timelines: PDF
  • Web Resources – European and the European Union: PDF

North Carolina for the Social Studies Conference: A Teacher’s Hands-On Guide to the European Union (2012)

Director of Outreach Programs, Gali Beeri, presents teaching resources on contemporary Europe and the European Union at the NCCSS Conference in Greensboro, NC (February 2012).

  • A Teacher’s Hands-on Guide to the European Union: PDF
  • EU Connections: A Kinesthetic Activity: PDF (Instructions) | PDF (Countries)
  • Web Resources – European and the European Union: PDF

The Future of Europe (2011)

In collaboration with Carolina K-12 (formerly the North Carolina Civic Education Consortium) and Carolina Public Humanities (formerly the UNC Program in the Humanities and Human Values), the European Union Center of Excellence at UNC-Chapel Hill hosted a professional development opportunity for North Carolina educators titled, “The Future of Europe,” in December 2011. The purpose was to educate teachers about the European Union, to provide them with EU-centered curriculum that they could easily implement in their middle and high school classrooms, and to share the Center’s myriad resources for teachers. To accomplish these goals, the seminar was divided into two separate components – pedagogical training with the CEC and EUCE and an Adventures in Ideas scholarly seminar featuring various UNC and Duke University faculty.

More on the workshop agenda

Lesson plans and PowerPoint presentations distributed at the workshop include:

The European Union and the Euro: A K-12 Workshop (2011)

The European Union Center of Excellence at UNC-Chapel Hill collaborated with World View to sponsor a workshop for K-12 educators on the European Union and the Euro currency. Contained below are links to the presentations and handouts from the May 2011 workshop.
More on the workshop agenda and presenters

  • Introduction to the European Union (UNC Professor of Political Science, M. Vachudova): PPT
  • Introduction to EU Resources through Technology (CES Director of Outreach Programs, G. Beeri, World View Assist. Director for Curriculum, C. Brossy): PPT
  • The Negative Side of Enlargement: Anti-Immigration Feelings and the Roma Minority (UNC PhD Student of Political Science, E. Coman): PPT | Video (Roma in Slovakia)
  • The European Monetary Union (UNC Professor of Economics, S. Black): PPT | PDF
  • Transatlantic Relations in the 21st Century: Why Europe Still Matters (CES Executive Director, E. Edwards): PPT
  • Muslim Women and the Politics of the Headscarf in Turkey (UNC Professor of Geography, B. Gökarıksel)
  • EU Connections: A Kinesthetic Activity: PDF (Instructions) | PDF (Countries)
  • Web Resources – European and the European Union: PDF

North Carolina Council for the Social Studies Conference: Teaching Contemporary Europe and the European Union (2011)

The UNC Center for European Studies presented a session for K-12 teachers on Teaching Contemporary Europe and the European Union. The session was designed to help educators to prepare their students to become global citizens by discovering contemporary Europe and the EU, a key actor in today’s world. Educators learned how to access a variety of free teaching resources for grades K-12, including lesson plans, games, online videos, music, and other informational sources, helping integrate technology into the classroom.

  • Teaching Contemporary Europe and the EU (CES Director of Outreach Programs, G. Beeri): PPT
  • Web Resources – European and the European Union: PDF
  • Flags of the EU (as of 2011): PDF

The European Union K-12 Curriculum Workshop (July 2010)

The UNC-Chapel Hill European Union Center of Excellence collaborated with World View to sponsor a workshop for K-12 educators on creating EU lesson plans. Contained below are links to the presentations, handouts, and video clips from the workshop.
More on the workshop agenda

  • Holger Moroff (Visiting DAAD Professor at UNC-Chapel Hill)
  • Laura Bowen (Teacher at Cape Fear Academy; Wilmington, NC)
    • Teaching the European Union: One Teacher’s Perspective: PPT

The European Union and the Euro: A K-12 Curriculum Workshop (May 2010)

The European Union Center of Excellence at UNC-Chapel Hill collaborated with World View to sponsor a workshop for K-12 educators on the European Union and the Euro currency. Contained below are links to the presentations and PDF handouts from the workshop.
More on the workshop agenda and presenters

  • Introduction to the European Union (UNC Professor of Political Science, L. Hooghe): PPT (EU Quiz) | PPT (Lecture)
  • EU Web Resources (CES Director of Outreach Programs, G. Beeri): PPT
  • From Europe to the Euro (CES Executive Director, E. Edwards): PPT
  • The European Financial Crisis (UNC Professor of Economics. S- Black): PPT
  • Immigration and the Strengthening of Extreme Right Parties (UNC PhD Student of Political Science, E. Coman): PPT | Video (Roma in Slovakia)
  • Multi-level Governance and Europe (UNC Professor of Political Science, G. Marks): PPT

North Carolina Council for the Social Studies Conference: Teaching Contemporary Europe and the European Union (2010)

The UNC Center for European Studies presented a session for K-12 teachers on Teaching Contemporary Europe and the European Union. The session was designed to help educators to prepare their students to become global citizens by discovering contemporary Europe and the EU, a key actor in today’s world. Educators learned how to access a variety of free teaching resources for grades K-12, including lesson plans, games, online videos, music, and other informational sources, helping integrate technology into the classroom.

  • Teaching Contemporary Europe and the EU (CES Director of Outreach Programs, G. Beeri): PPT
  • Web Resources – European and the European Union: PDF
  • Flags of the EU (as of 2010): PDF

The European Union and the Euro: A K-12 Curriculum Workshop (2009)

The European Union Center of Excellence at UNC-Chapel Hill collaborated with World View to sponsor a workshop for K-12 educators on the European Union and the Euro currency. Contained below are links to the presentations and handouts from the May 2009 workshop.
More on the workshop agenda and presenters

  • Introduction to the European Union (UNC Professor of Political Science, G Marks): PPT
  • EU Web Resources (CES Director of Outreach Programs, G. Beeri)
  • Paul Timmers (Visiting EU Fellow from the European Commission): The European Commission and Other European Institutions: PPT
  • The European Union Enlargement (UNC Professor of Political Science, L. Hooghe): PPT
  • EMU, the Euro, and the Current Economic Situation in the Euro Area (EU Delegation to the US, A. Medearis): PPT
  • Immigration and the Strengthening of Extreme Right Parties (UNC PhD Student of Political Science, E. Coman): PPT