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Excel@Carolina: EURO Program

The Center for European Studies is so excited to welcome the second cohort of the Excel at Carolina: EURO program participants! This page is just to get you started. There will be a lot more information at the Excel@EURO-TAM program orientation: August 22, 2015 from 10:00-12:00 AM in FedEx Global Education Center Room 1005.

If you are in high school with an interest in UNC and Europe, you can learn more about the Excel@Carolina program. If selected for our assured admission fast-track, you will have the opportunity to complete your undergraduate and masters degree in five years using the this unique program’s framework.

If you are already a UNC student, the dual EURO-TAM track may still be available to you. Explore the EUROTAM page or contact us for more information!

Who do I contact for…?

CES Executive Director Katie Lindner

Associate Director, TransAtlantic Masters Program Sarah Hutchison, PhD

Associate Director, TransAtlantic Masters Program Sarah Hutchison, PhD


Where can I find out…?

CES has a master list of all courses that have been approved for EURO major credit. This list shows what requirement it counts toward, when it is typically offered (fall, spring, summer), and who teaches it. You can find this list here:

If you are interested in taking a course that you think should receive EURO major credit (i.e. it is a course directly related to contemporary Europe), come talk to us! You can submit a request to the EURO major advisor for this course to count towards your major.

Social media is a great place to start! CES has a Facebook and Twitter (@UNCEurope) where we post our events, but you can also see all of our in-house and co-sponsored events on our website calendar.

The Center holds quite a number of event throughout the year: special get-togethers for EURO majors, lectures, films; we also co-sponsor a number of series: the Ambassador’s Forum brings Ambassadors to UNC to talk about current affairs, the NC German Seminar Series, and the Gender, War and Culture Series. We’d love to see you there!

Only a select number of EU institutions offer internships to non-European students. You can find a list of the ones that will accept American students here:
By the way, that page is where CES lists all of the external opportunities that we hear about: scholarships, fellowships, internships, travel funding, etc. Check it out sometime.

CES Staff can also help you think about internships and put you in contact with an alumni.

If you are thinking about pursuing an internship abroad, consider applying for Carolina Global Initiative Award!


Pre-Professional Experiences

Before you land that amazing internship at the EU Delegation or a U.S. Embassy in Europe, you can build your resume by engaging in a pre-professional experience through the Center for European Studies – offered only to Excel@EURO-TAM students.

More information on opportunities is coming soon. Make sure to check back to see what might be a good fit for your interests and the skills you want to develop over the course of your first year at Carolina.

A checklist to get you started

 Set up an individual meeting with the EURO advisor

 Start down the road to success by building your resume through a CES pre-professional experience

 Attend a Center for European Studies event

 Like the Center on Facebook to get all the latest updates

 Have a chat with your TAM Mentor

 Start thinking about summer internships and study abroad opportunities


About the Center for European Studies

The Center for European Studies is one of six geographic area studies centers at UNC-CH. The Center for European Studies is the hub for Europe on campus: we run a major and masters program, we conduct events and outreach activities to educate university and community audiences on Europe, and we organize faculty working groups and fund research on European issues.

The Center is one of the few academic units on campus that is not a department yet that offers a major (technically what the university calls a ‘curriculum’): The Contemporary European Studies Major (EURO). We also run the TransAtlantic Masters Program, a unique Master’s program with ten partner sites in Europe. TAM is a fully customizable degree; there are about 350 unique pathways a TAM student could choose depending on where they would want to go and what they are interested in studying.

The EURO-TAM BA/MA combines these two complimentary degrees and, in select cases, allows students to complete both in reduced time through the accelerated 5-year option. Students can complete both degrees in the traditional 6-year plan.

While any student at UNC can apply to be part of the EURO-TAM BA/MA, only pre-selected Excel:Euro program students have access to special opportunities from the Center for European Studies and, upon completion of program requirements, a guaranteed recommendation from the Center to the Graduate School for admission to TAM (subject to successful completion of the Excel:Euro program).