Teachable Moments
How do Europeans think about Europe? What does climate change look like in North Carolina and European communities? How do different societies think about regulating AI, and what does that mean?
CES is excited to offer the “Teachable Moments” video series, where experts in European culture, policy, and history sit with us and break down big concepts in sustainability and diversity for K-14 classrooms. New videos will be coming out quarterly— check back for more, or scroll down for our Digital Speakers Bureau offerings.
What does a sustainable city look like?
Digital Speakers Bureau
CES launched our Digital Speakers Bureau video series in 2015. The production of these videos is thanks in part to generous funding by the Getting to Know Europe grant of the European Union Delegation to the US.
These videos have been produced in order to introduce students learning about the EU, including those in K-12, Community College, and university classrooms throughout NC and the whole US to world-renowned scholars and their research.
The contents of these videos represent the scholarly opinion of the speakers and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. We thank EURO major Thomas Elliott for all of his help with conceptualization and filming, and for his work editing the CES-produced videos.
What does it mean to be an EU citizen?
The European Union
National Identity and the European Union
EU Perspectives on US Elections
US Elections and Free Trade
What is a Welfare State?
Gerhard E. Lenski, Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Director of the Center for European Studies, & Director of the Transatlantic Masters Program, UNC
Austerity in the Eurozone
Challenges in Bosnia
2015-18 Jean Monnet Chair for EU Studies, Chair of Global Studies, & Associate Professor of Political Science, UNC
The EU and the Western Balkans
2015-18 Jean Monnet Chair for EU Studies, Chair of Global Studies, & Associate Professor of Political Science, UNC