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Lemke Blog

Dr. Christiane Lemke, Jean Monnet Chair in European Political Science, Professor of Political Science, Leibniz University of Hannover, is our current DAAD visiting Scholar. Her frequently updated blog, US-Wahlkampf 2016 – Einblicke und Analysen, is an informative and interesting way to learn about the current U.S. Presidential election. View more details about Professor Lemke on our Visiting Scholars page.

We invite you to read Dr. Christiane Lemke’s most recent blog post (September 28) about the U.S. Election, entitled: Pinocchio for President? Performanz der Demokratie. Die erste TV Debatte zwischen Hillary Clinton und Donald Trump. Her blog posts focus on different aspects of the upcoming U.S. general election; the most recent post features information about and analysis of the first televised debate between two Presidential hopefuls of the main political parties in the United States. Please note that this blog is published in German and that it is located on the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany’s website.

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